In 2022, thanks to the provisions of the Peruvian State, our students were able to gradually return to face-to-face classes. This favored us as an organization since we were able to make a real follow-up of the nutritional status of our students.
The purpose of the nutrition program is to reduce the number of children with anemia, intestinal parasites, malnutrition and/or obesity. For which we have different lines of action such as: medical evaluations, healthy eating and working hand in hand with parents.
Healthy eating:
We delivered 436 food baskets in the months of March, May and June to the families of our students.
The return to on-site classes allowed us to provide from June to December a balanced diet in the school cafeteria, through healthy snacks and lunches containing proteins, carbohydrates and vegetables. In this way, we sought to establish healthy habits to overcome anemia and malnutrition, the most common diseases of the children of Urubamba.
Medical evaluations:
Regarding parasite evaluation, 15% of students tested positive and received medical treatment, 2% less compared to 2021.
12% of students presented anemia and 1% malnutrition, which represents 2% and 12% less than the previous year respectively.
42% of the students evaluated ended the school year with a healthy result, i.e., free of anemia, parasites and with adequate height and weight, representing 10% more than last year.
Work with parents:
They received 1 practical workshop to learn how to prepare healthy breakfasts by a specialist nutritionist Clorinda Luque and chef Victor Carpio from Belmond hotel company.
Thanks to all those companies and individuals who contributed through various donations to make this possible!