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Educational projects: child researchers

2022 has been a challenging year at the pedagogical level, as teachers had to adapt teaching methodologies to an abrupt return to classes after two years of virtual classes.

Within our foundation, we prioritized the reinforcement of our students' knowledge, as well as the strengthening of their capacities through socio-constructivist teaching methodologies such as Project Based Learning, STEAM approach, TiNi methodology and positive discipline. Through the correct accompaniment of teachers, 13 projects related to environmental care were created in classes based on their context and the main needs identified by the students.

In the initial level, 7 projects were carried out:

3 years:

  • Organization and care for my home sector: students learned routines that allowed them to keep the classroom clean.

  • The fish: the 3 year old girls and boys were attracted by the fish in the foundation and decided to create their own aquarium inside the classroom.

4 years old:

  • What am I like, what are you like: the 4 year olds got to know each other for the first time, as before they only knew each other through google meet. Seeing the faces, sizes, and various characteristics that each classmate had led them to investigate more about what each person is like.

  • "The signs in our school": during recess and entrance to the foundation, the students identified that there were different signs, they researched what their function was and decided to create their own signs.

  • The moving water: during the classes the children saw that the water in the creek was always going in a downward direction, it also made noise and was only one color. All these observations led them to investigate more about water.

5 years:

  • The spiders: the 5 year old students saw that in different places in the foundation there were little spiders, together with their teacher they decided to investigate about those little animals.

  • The bugs: from the spider project the children started to create puppets about different bugs that helped them to create stories.

At the primary level, 8 projects were carried out respectively:

First grade:

  • "The Bum Babum band save the planet": first grade girls and boys carried out different activities around recycling materials such as cloth, cardboard, etc. to help reduce garbage in the community.

Second grade:

  • The sun: the second grade girls and boys were very curious about the sun, as they saw that the sun helped their tini plants grow.

Third grade:

  • Together we transform and build an ecological and sustainable school: through theaters and based on the stories of the TiNi methodology, the 3rd grade girls and boys made graphic pieces to take care of the environment.

Fourth grade:

  • We research and communicate our scientific discoveries: the 4th grade students have great ability for creating projects, so they decided to make a project where they can present their research.

Fifth grade:

  • We create life from garbage: the 5th grade students worked on their project with organic waste and started researching about composting. The result of which was their compost bin inside their TiNi space.

Sixth grade:

  • Identification and prevention of situations of violence in the families of the foundation: the 6th grade girls and boys identified that in several families in Urubamba, there is violence. They decided to create a project to raise awareness that violence is bad and that it can be prevented from childhood.

90% of the projects were based on the TiNi methodology, which seeks to encourage children to be agents of change in favor of environmental care, where their main source of information was their TiNi plots where they were able to put into practice several of the proposals of their projects.

We are convinced that through these projects our students strengthened their abilities and were the protagonists of their own learning, strengthening their integral development.

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